1. Pronunciation: students can pronounce the words correctly.
2. Intonation: students can use high and low, tough and smooth, etc, according to the meaning.
3. Fluency: students can speak without any hesitation.
4. Clarity: students can speak clearly with proper gestures and attitude.
5. Understanding contexts of situations
6. Using fixed-expressions, gambits, and strategies
7. Using gestures that represent the attitude and value
The Aspects of Reading
1. Understanding main ideas
2. Finding detailed information
3. Inferring implicit and explicit meaning
4. Associating theme and background knowledge
5. Determining references
6. Predicting unfamiliar words or phrases.
7. Drawing conclusions
Aspects of Writing
1. Understanding sentence structures
2. Understanding word derivation and word-families
3. Understanding coherence and cohesive
4. Understanding themes, topics, titles, and main idea
5. Understanding text structure
6. Understanding punctuation
7. Understanding content organization
The Aspects of Listening
1. Ability to receive message
2. Ability in understanding and interpreting
3. Ability to memorize the message (decoding and encoding)
4. Ability to evaluate and analyze
5. Ability to respond and provide feedback
Aspects of Presenting
1. Showing ability to manage time for presentation (time limit).
2. Showing a full understanding of the topic presented (content).
3. Showing completely prepared (preparedness).
4. Showing facial expressions and body language generates a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic (enthusiasm)
5. Speaking clearly and distinctly all the time with very few mispronounces (speaking clearly).
6. Referring to 1 or more properties that show considerable work/ creativity which makes the presentation better (media usage).
1. Afni Devi Fitriani disini
2. Aini Nurjanah Rahayu disini
3. Aisyah Ayunindya Maheswari disini
4. Akhnaf Fajar Nayan Putra disini
5. Anisa Rahma Sari disini
6. Ariel Triestino Maroch disini
7. Az Zahra Nurningtyas disini
8. Benny Prasetyo disini
9. Dewa Artha Sinatria disini
10. Didit Anggoro disini
11. Dimas Aji Pratama disini
12. Dinara Anggun Alifiani disini
13. Dyah Astaningrini disini
14. Elvino Zaki Piratama disini
15. Embun Kenar Manika disini
16. Farida Zubaida disini
17. Fauzan Alif Asabbil disini
18. Hafilu Rosadi Umam disini
19. Ilyas Saputra disini
20. Imeylda Silvatu Nisa disini
21. Jelita Andien Krisnarahardian disini
22. Keyla Mareta Herviana disini
23. Labib Dhiya'ul Haq disini
24. Merlyn Navia Hermawan disini
25. Muhammad Hafidh Arya K disini
26. Muhammad Raffi Rizqullah disini
27. Muhammad Rayhan Alfiki Tri P disini
28. Muhammad Rizaldy Taufiq R disini
29. Nasywa Maulidina disini
30. Rhendi Fiarel disini
31. Ridho Tegar Ramadhani disini
32. Ricky Adiputra Setyawan disini
33. Salsabila Syifa Maharani disini
34. Septiana Anggun Ramadhani T disini
35. Tovanza Keano Satrya Utama disini
36. Zahratusita Karunia Putri disini
1. Adya Nayla Ayu Citraning Kusuma here
2. Afanda Kurnia Sandika here
3. Ahmad Husain Febrhino Susanto here
4. Almira Paramitha Restu Hernanda here
5. Andika Faisal Rahmat here
6. Anisa Sakhi Naufa Efendi here
7. Ardian Bangun Wiranata here
8. Arnes Widianto here
9. Aura Khoirunisa here
10. Bara Karang Segara here
11. Burhannudin Muhammad Abdillah here
12. Devdan Nicasio Wijaya here
13. Firyal Nadzif Aufa here
14. Ilham Kusuma here
15. Kania Olivia Donesia here
16. Karisma Raya Sejati here
17. Linda Baldwin here
18. Marshawita Nuri Assyifa here
19. Muchammad Nuril Anwar here
20. Muhammad Bintang Arva Maulana here
21. Muhammad Dzaky Adis Anargya here
22. Muhammad Khandafi here
23. Naysila Putri Azzura here
24. Nia Putri Rachmadani here
25. Rayya Mukti here
26. Roby Ur Rozaq here
27. Salsabilla Putri Ardana here
28. Seto Dwi Febrianto here
29. Shafa Rana Haura here
30. Shellysta Rizkyasava here
31. Sheva Achmad Ridwan here
32. Syari Ifah Afrin Nur Rohmah here
33. Tanaya Dwi Cahya Ivana here
34. Vinza Nashwa here
35. Yasmin Adelia Suryani here
36. Zerlly Amalia Vega here
1. Ahmad Wildan 'Arfan Rizqi H here
2. Aileen Adhyahannisa Putri here
3. Anastasya Huwaida Herlambang here
4. Anindya Akhsani Alfat here
5. Annisa Fitri Setyasa here
6. Aura Corona here
7. Ayudya Putri Sopan Dinata here
8. Azreina Zelda Lathifa here
9. Carolina Ellysa Haryanto here
10. Cintya Laureina Citra here
11. Cleovino Shaquille Alkhalifi here
12. Cornellius Vicky Vernandra here
13. Davina Evangelista Subagiono here
14. Devin Satria Wicaksana here
15. Dhara Amala Aulia Wijaya here
16. Ester Valecia Setyawan here
17. Fadhil Zuhdi Naufal here
18. I Nengah Lexis Wiguna Winda here
19. Ibad Kayana Muhammad Pravia here
20. Larisya Maharani Nugroho here
21. Lionel Shane Adriano here
22. Marcellinus Mario Aryasatya here
23. Mikail Cahaya Rahman here
24. Muhamad Anis here
25. Muhammad Thariq Riziq B here
26. Nakeisha Putri Arabilla here
27. Naswan Asyraf Wardhana here
28. Nathanael Dhimas Satria here
29. Nilam Palasari here
30. Restu Ashar Satria Wibowo here
31. Ridwan Adnan Maulana here
32. Safety Archita Rimba Melati here
33. Theofilus Julio Allensky Banani here
34. Wantheng Brahma Sanjaya here
35. Yosafat Reno Setiawan here
36. Zulfa Romias Putra here