As salamu 'alaykum Gen Z SMK N 4 Semarang!
Nice to meet you again!
Pada blok 1 semester genap ini kalian banyak belajar tentang literasi, tidak hanya membaca tetapi juga berpartisipasi didalamnya dengan menulis. Bu Yuni sudah mengajarkan kalian membuat blog, mengetahui menu-menu pada halaman kerjanya dan juga bagaimana supaya tampilan tulisan kalian bisa nyaman dibaca orang lain dan mem-publish tulisan kalian. Keep writing!
Materi yang sudah kalian pelajari di semester genap ini adalah:
1. Understanding and writing a table: Introduction to creating a blog
In this activities, you learned how to:
- Understand the definition table in a report
- Understand the purposes of writing a table
- Understand the expressions and sentences used in a table
- Provide 1 sample of a table
- Design and write family expenses in a week on a table
- Convert the table into a popular article
- Create a personal blog
- Copy-paste the article to the blog
- Publish the article and share the link to WAG
2. Understanding and Writing surveys
After you understand about the theory in previous meeting, you learned to
- understand the definition of surveys
- understand the purposes of making surveys
- understand the statements or questions for surveys
- understand the types of a survey
- find 1 sample of a survey and its title
- Design a survey
- consult the surveys' statements or questions to the teacher
- write surveys in the google form
- share the survey to find respondents' responses
- write the result of the survey in the blog
- edit the article: punctuation, word correction, numbering, justifying, paraphrasing
- publish the article then share the link in WAG
3. Understanding and writing questionnaires
- The next learning topic is writing questionnaires, in this activity you know how to
- understand the definition of questionnaires, the differences between questioners and surveys
- understand the purposes of writing questionnaires
- learn the structure of questionnaires (open and closed questions)
- write the questions in the google form
- provide a sample of a questionnaire
- write a questionnaire set (5 - 10 questions)
- write the result of questionnaires in an article in the blog
- edit the article
- publish the article and share the link in WAG
4. Understanding and writing Recount Texts
- The next learning topic is about Recount Texts. The activities you have to do are
- understanding the definition of Recount Texts
- understanding the purposes of Recount Texts
- identifying the text structure of a Recount Text
- classifying the types of Recount Texts
- learning the sentences, cohesiveness, and coherences in paragraphs
- providing a sample of a Recount Text
- writing a simple Recount Text
- consult the text to the teacher
- edit the text
- Publish the text in the blog and share the link to WAG
5. Understanding and Writing Explanation Texts
- in this topic your activities are
- understanding the definition of Explanation Texts
- understanding the purposes of Explanation Texts
- identifying the text structure of an Explanation Texts
- learning the sentences, cohesiveness, and coherences in paragraphs
- providing a sample of a Recount Text
- writing a simple Recount Text
- consult the text to the teacher
- edit the text
- creating video for speaking purposes
- Publish the text in the blog and share the link to WAG
- The last topic in this semester is Argumentative Text, your activities are
- understanding the definition of Argumentative Texts
- understanding the purposes of Argumentative Texts
- identifying the text structure of Argumentative Texts
- learning the sentences, cohesiveness, and coherences in paragraphs
- providing a sample of an Argumentative Text
- writing a simpleArgumentative Text
- consult the text to the teacher
- edit the text
- creating video
- Publish the text in the blog and share the link to WAG
- your writing skill in English improved by 80% in choosing the topic, using vocabulary, editing the punctuation, etc
- your speaking skill is improved especially your self-confidence, pronunciation, and fluency
- your understanding of the topics is broadened
- your perspective in using your knowledge in real life is much better so you can implement it in the future.
- Achmad Kurniawan here
- Adnan Rizqkhansa Pahlevi here
- Afdhaludz Dzikri Gadis R here
- Amanda Selvia Anggraini here
- Azmi Tazkyya Muhammad here
- Choky Chelseano here
- Daffa Ananda Santoso here
- Destia Azahra Mahadewi here
- Devin Yustisia Raka A here
- Diva Rahma Aulia Abdillah here
- Firman Satya Nugraha here
- Gatan Arya Qimata here
- Gilang Wahyu Ramadhan here
- Ginanti Rokhimanda here
- Hafiidh Ahmad Imam Saputra here
- Haidar Hafid Efendi Alkholili here
- Ibnati Salma Zakhrufullayli here
- Ika Nurcahyani here
- Ivone Nove Edelwise Safitri here
- Lintang Medina Khairunnisa H here
- Muhammad Azriel Sectio here
- Muhammad Ibnu Fajar R here
- Naia Putri Mariby here
- Nasyila Chikal Aulya Rasyid here
- Puja Puspa Mutiara here
- Rafida Siva Maharani here
- Ridho Bayu Saputra here
- Ridwan Rama Octavia here
- Ristanti Tri Ramadani here
- Sabrina Tasya Azzahra here
- Satria Bimantara here
- Sava Dhani Putra Rajendra here
- Siti Raihana Nadya Sulistya here
- Tasya Amelia Fitriani here
- Widya Puji Safitri here
- Anggun Arisa Setya Ningrum here
- Aprilia Putri Nugraheni here
- Ardhana Sarwana Putra here
- Argya Faishal Farobbi here
- Benedictus Krisna Satria Purnama here
- Bulan Pinggala Prabaswari here
- Chelsea Gladys Filadelfia here
- Dickya Nadiv As Sidiq here
- Dinda Ayu Nugraha here
- Djawa Bima Sanjaya here
- Eka Bagas Yudhantaka here
- Grista Karunia Endriancais here
- Indah Rahayu here
- Iqbal Maulana Syahputra here
- Izmi Nenifajriah here
- Lintang Kidung Wicaksana here
- Lutfiah Salsabila here
- Luthfi Musthofa Ablah here
- Michael Varrel Putra Nugroho here
- Mochammad Diffa Dhonan Nazhief here
- Muhamad Reizky Ristianto Evendi here
- Muhammad Habibi Syarifudin here
- Nur Hidayati here
- Oktavia here
- Oktavianus Adi Kurniawan here
- Rikhza Ali Mafthuh Yuwono here
- Ryan Fadhil Azmi here
- Samuel Evan Prasetia here
- Sausan Salsabila Fajrin here
- Sekar Ayu Kinanti here
- Shellomitha Kartika Aprilia here
- Shilva Adhelia here
- Stephanus Edsel Oktaviano Priyatama here
- Tegar Ismawanda here
- Yesisca Beatrix Renata here
- Zahwa Umaisyah here
- Achmad Brian Admaja here
- Andira Kistia Ananta here
- Arif Rahman Hakim here
- Arya Indriyanto Pratama here
- Ayup Hardiyanto here
- Azka Maulana Antyarsoputro here
- Bagas Fadhilah Utomo here
- Chaerul Efendy here
- Dina Aulia Rahma Nazilla here
- Divina Laesa Ristaniva here
- Fanny Atmariani Mei here
- Gladis Desta Qassanul Haqq here
- Hafizh Sampoerna here
- Haikal Maulana Arif here
- Happy Kristion Putranto here
- Ilham Setyo Saputra here
- Indah Tri Muryani here
- Lintang Ashila Putri here
- Mufidah here
- Muhammad Khadafi Widyadhana Abdullah here
- Nadia Putri Wijaya here
- Nafisah Hermatia here
- Nazwa Bintang Azzahra here
- Nila Puspita Fitrin here
- Nissa Nuur Khasanah here
- Pradipta Ahmad Alan Faridho here
- Rahayu Dia Jayanti here
- Rahma Fauziah Syifa Yulios here
- Rani Marzuko here
- Satria Arib Wijaya here
- Shela Dwi Angraieni here
- Teddy Wadya Indra Nirwana here
- Topo Mukti Utomo here
- Trisna Anindya here
- Widi Handika Basri here
- Widya Anindya Faustina here
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