As salamu 'alaykum Gen Z SMK N 4 Semarang!
Nice to meet you again!
Pada blok 1 semester genap ini kalian banyak belajar tentang literasi, tidak hanya membaca tetapi juga berpartisipasi didalamnya dengan menulis. Bu Yuni sudah mengajarkan kalian membuat blog, mengetahui menu-menu pada halaman kerjanya dan juga bagaimana supaya tampilan tulisan kalian bisa nyaman dibaca orang lain dan mem-publish tulisan kalian. Keep writing!
Materi yang sudah kalian pelajari di semester genap ini adalah:
1. Understanding and writing Descriptive Text by working with a flipbook
- Understand the definition of descriptive texts
- Understand the text structure of the descriptive text
- Understand the expressions and sentences commonly used in descriptive text
- Provide 3 samples of descriptive text
- Write 1 piece of writing about describing a thing
- Upload your writing in the flipbook
2. Understanding and Writing Descriptive text, introduction to creating a blog
After you understand about the theory in previous meeting, you learned about
- working with Blogspot, creating a personal blog
- posting an article: vocabularies used in describing a person; word orders, a sample of describing a person (can be dialogue or monologue); and writing your own article. You used your previous text which you uploaded to flipbook.
- editing the article: punctuation, word correction, numbering, justifying, paraphrasing
- publishing your article, and sharing it with your friends (WA, IG, Chat, Facebook, etc)
3. Understanding and writing the description of a person
- After you wrote a description of things, the second topic is about describing a person. In this activity, you did how to
- Identify the context where and when you need to describe someone
- find the vocabulary used in writing the description
- learn word order (adjective order)
- provide samples describing persons
- write a simple description text
- publish your writing in your blog
4. Understanding and writing the descriptive text of a historical place or building
- The next topic is describing historical places or buildings. The aim is that you can describe an interesting tourist spot in your town. By describing it, your article can attract visitors to come and enjoy your town. So you have to insert beautiful illustrations for your article. It is hoped your article will be a tourist advertisement which contributes to the development of your town.
- Identifying the context where and when you need to describe someone
- vocabularies used in writing description
- Identifying word order (adjective order)
- Providing samples on describing persons
- Writing a simple description text
- Publish your writing in your blog
5. Understanding Recount Texts
- After learning recount text, you will have the ability in telling everything that happened in the past. In this material, you learn:
- the definition of recount text
- the purpose of recount text
- the generic structure of recount text
- the types of recount text
- one sample of recount text
- writing a recount text
6. Understanding Short Functional Texts
- After writing descriptive texts, now you are learning about Short Functional Texts or SFT. You will explore:
- the definition of SFT
- the text detail of the SFT
- the expressions and sentences commonly used in SFT
- the types of SFT
- 5 samples of SFT
- and write 3 pieces of SFT
- and create a video of 1 SFT
- and publish your writing and video to your blogs
When you write everything, avoid plagiarism by enclosing the link. It is better for you to paraphrase sentences or ideas from the original sources to be your own words without losing the main idea.
Let's do blog walking by choosing the below links to see your friends' articles.
- Ainur Rizky Ramadhani here
- Alicca Berliana Az-Zahra here
- Amelia Eka Saputri here
- Aulya Kumala Dewi here
- Bima Jati Widodo here
- Cesya Jauhara Rahmayanti here
- Dennise Setya Anugrah here
- Dhafaska Faza Caesario here
- Elisa Candra Kirana here
- Farhan Hafizh Alauddin here
- Fattah Putra Nafi Samdir Ali here
- Fazilla Luthfian Endra R here
- Galuh Puspita Raksi here
- Haidar Aziz here
- Halila Alifia here
- Hana Apriliani here
- Hananto Fahrezi N here
- Hari Murti here
- Kirana Ardhana Riswari P here
- Leora Azzizah Adelia here
- Masyrul Hidayat here
- Mayumi Anindita Yurinami here
- Nadhif Hafizh Alana here
- Nadia Filza Saputri here
- Namira Putri Anindya here
- Narita Sulistyo Pramesti here
- Nazwa Thifal Muhtadi here
- Nisma Fachirotu Anjaly here
- Rafanny Azarine Putri A here
- Rafi Chandra Aryasutha P here
- Ramadhan Ivan Kustrijanto here
- Rava Naila Saputri here
- Reissa Nasywa Azalia here
- Salma Aulia Pratomo here
- Searly Alma Mahartajati here
- Syafiq Harits here
- Afita Syifania Putri here
- Ahmad Alvin Arliansyah here
- Ahnaf Yoga Rahmatullah here
- Alda Sukma Dewi Tuwenaung here
- Aulia Putri Miftahul Jannah here
- Bentar Suryo Widagdo here
- Dea Novi Amanda here
- Dewi Fajar Susilowati here
- Dio Andri Awan here
- Eadelweis Permata Fitrian here
- Evanda Rizqina Putri here
- Farrel Oktavino Dahlan here
- Hamdani Deva Kurniawan here
- Hasbi Nany Nurhidayah here
- Hasya Najmi here
- Ineke Putri Kusumawati here
- Kirana Fahdma Zahra A here
- Marcellino Syam Pamudya A here
- Marva Febriani here
- Melani Novianti here
- Miftah Qul Huda here
- Monica Oliviana here
- Muhammad Aflah Renjiro Z here
- Muhammad Radjaswa A here
- Muhammad Zaidan here
- Nadine Alifa Firdaus here
- Nadira Angelika Putri here
- Raditya Eksa Saputro here
- Rafid Aryateja here
- Rahadian Eka Pradipta here
- Reba Sekar Kinanti here
- Reha Nataya here
- Resa Yuni Puspitasari here
- Risky Adam Syah here
- Rizky Nur Hidayat Putra here
- Sultan Abi Annaufal here
- Aditya Rizky Saputra here
- Avel Tesalonika Putri here
- Azizah Wulan Octavia here
- Azka Annisa Salsabilla here
- Azka Muhammad Fikri here
- Bintang Rizky Cahyaning here
- Dea Puspa Lestari here
- Fahrahita Arum Nur W here
- Faiza Noor Aziza here
- Fito Robertos Emar here
- Florensia Estri Dwi T here
- Gavrila Kusumaningayu here
- Gerardo Okta Aji Prasetia here
- Handhika Septa Ardhiansyah here
- Haris Adhimargono here
- Hilmi Maulana Malika Akbar here
- Inayah Mahardika here
- Joshua Imannuel Prasetya here
- Laurendsia Sabrina Elreta here
- Maulana Yusuf Ibrahimovic here
- Meyda Salma Zubaeda here
- Mozes Peresta Gracesion here
- Nabila Mirelina Shinta here
- Nadia Riega Khalula here
- Nonik Chreesanti here
- Rahayu Kurnianing Lestari here
- Rio Umansyah Putra here
- Risky Qoriqul Ramadhan here
- Ronal Adhe Lendrawan here
- Salsabila Aurelia A here
- Salvina Mudtiara Sari here
- Tegar Supriyanto W here
- Tisya Ayu Noranggraini here
- Ulivia Vaza I Putha here
- Wildatun Ni'ma here
- Yohanes Arlan Raka R R here
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