Saturday, December 9, 2023



The Aspects of Speaking

1. Pronunciation: students can pronounce the words correctly.
2. Intonation: students can use high and low, tough and smooth, etc, according to the meaning. 
3. Fluency: students can speak without any hesitation.
4. Clarity: students can speak clearly with proper gestures and attitude.
5. Understanding contexts of situations
6. Using fixed-expressions, gambits, and strategies
7. Using gestures that represent the attitude and value

The Aspects of Reading

1. Understanding main ideas 
2. Finding detailed information 
3. Inferring implicit and explicit meaning
4. Associating theme and background knowledge
5. Determining references
6. Predicting unfamiliar words or phrases.   
7. Drawing conclusions

The Aspects of Writing

1. Understanding sentence structures
2. Understanding word derivation and word-families
3. Understanding coherence and cohesive
4. Understanding themes, topics, titles, and main idea
5. Understanding text structure
6. Understanding punctuation
7. Understanding content organization

Aspects of Listening

1. Ability to receive messages
2. Ability to understand and interpret spoken information
3. Ability to memorize the message (decoding and encoding)
4. Ability to evaluate and analyze
5. Ability to respond and provide feedback

Aspects of Presenting

1. Showing ability to manage time for presentation (time limit).
2. Showing a full understanding of the topic presented (content).
3. Showing completely prepared (preparedness).
4. Showing facial expressions and body language generates a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic (enthusiasm)
5. Speaking clearly and distinctly all the time with very few mispronounces (pronunciation, intonation, clarity, and fluency).
6. Referring to 1 or more properties that show considerable work/ creativity which makes the presentation better (media usage).


  1. Achmad Kurniawan here
  2. Adnan Rizqkhansa Pahlevi here
  3. Afdhaludz Dzikri Gadis R here
  4. Amanda Selvia Anggraini here
  5. Azmi Tazkyya Muhammad here
  6. Choky Chelseano here
  7. Daffa Ananda Santoso here
  8. Destia Azahra Mahadewi here
  9. Devin Yustisia Raka A here
  10. Diva Rahma Aulia Abdillah here
  11. Firman Satya Nugraha here
  12. Gatan Arya Qimata here
  13. Gilang Wahyu Ramadhan here
  14. Ginanti Rokhimanda here
  15. Hafiidh Ahmad Imam Saputra here
  16. Haidar Hafid Efendi Alkholili here
  17. Ibnati Salma Zakhrufullayli here
  18. Ika Nurcahyani here
  19. Ivone Nove Edelwise Safitri here
  20. Lintang Medina Khairunnisa H here
  21. Muhammad Azriel Sectio here
  22. Muhammad Ibnu Fajar R here
  23. Naia Putri Mariby here
  24. Nasyila Chikal Aulya Rasyid here
  25. Puja Puspa Mutiara here
  26. Rafida Siva Maharani here
  27. Ridho Bayu Saputra here
  28. Ridwan Rama Octavia here
  29. Ristanti Tri Ramadani here
  30. Sabrina Tasya Azzahra here
  31. Satria Bimantara here
  32. Sava Dhani Putra Rajendra here
  33. Siti Raihana Nadya Sulistya here
  34. Tasya Amelia Fitriani here
  35. Widya Puji Safitri here


  1. Anggun Arisa Setya Ningrum here
  2. Aprilia Putri Nugraheni here
  3. Ardhana Sarwana Putra here
  4. Argya Faishal Farobbi here
  5. Benedictus Krisna Satria Purnama here
  6. Bulan Pinggala Prabaswari here
  7. Chelsea Gladys Filadelfia here
  8. Dickya Nadiv As Sidiq here
  9. Dinda Ayu Nugraha here
  10. Djawa Bima Sanjaya here
  11. Eka Bagas Yudhantaka here
  12. Grista Karunia Endriancais here
  13. Indah Rahayu here
  14. Iqbal Maulana Syahputra here
  15. Izmi Nenifajriah here
  16. Lintang Kidung Wicaksana here
  17. Lutfiah Salsabila here
  18. Luthfi Musthofa Ablah here
  19. Michael Varrel Putra Nugroho  here
  20. Mochammad Diffa Dhonan Nazhief here
  21. Muhamad Reizky Ristianto Evendi here
  22. Muhammad Habibi Syarifudin here
  23. Nur Hidayati here
  24. Oktavia here
  25. Oktavianus Adi Kurniawan here
  26. Rikhza Ali Mafthuh Yuwono here
  27. Ryan Fadhil Azmi here
  28. Samuel Evan Prasetia here
  29. Sausan Salsabila Fajrin here
  30. Sekar Ayu Kinanti here
  31. Shellomitha Kartika Aprilia here
  32. Shilva Adhelia here
  33. Stephanus Edsel Oktaviano Priyatama here
  34. Tegar Ismawanda here
  35. Yesisca Beatrix Renata here
  36. Zahwa Umaisyah here


  1. Achmad Brian Admaja here
  2. Andira Kistia Ananta here
  3. Arif Rahman Hakim here
  4. Arya Indriyanto Pratama here
  5. Ayup Hardiyanto here
  6. Azka Maulana Antyarsoputro here
  7. Bagas Fadhilah Utomo here
  8. Chaerul Efendy here 
  9. Dina Aulia Rahma Nazilla here
  10. Divina Laesa Ristaniva here
  11. Fanny Atmariani Mei here
  12. Gladis Desta Qassanul Haqq here
  13. Hafizh Sampoerna here
  14. Haikal Maulana Arif here
  15. Happy Kristion Putranto here
  16. Ilham Setyo Saputra here
  17. Indah Tri Muryani here
  18. Lintang Ashila Putri here
  19. Mufidah here
  20. Muhammad Khadafi Widyadhana Abdullah here
  21. Nadia Putri Wijaya here
  22. Nafisah Hermatia here
  23. Nazwa Bintang Azzahra here
  24. Nila Puspita Fitrin here
  25. Nissa Nuur Khasanah here
  26. Pradipta Ahmad Alan Faridho here
  27. Rahayu Dia Jayanti here
  28. Rahma Fauziah Syifa Yulios here
  29. Rani Marzuko here
  30. Satria Arib Wijaya here
  31. Shela Dwi Angraieni here
  32. Teddy Wadya Indra Nirwana here
  33. Topo Mukti Utomo here
  34. Trisna Anindya here
  35. Widi Handika Basri  here
  36. Widya Anindya Faustina here

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Daily Test Element Writing and Presenting : Argumentative Text

  Before you do the test, read the directions. Do the test yourself. Copy and paste the text and questions into your blogs then publish! Pla...